Sunday, March 1, 2009

Caretaker of many, mother of none...


This blog is in response to Anedra's (read her blog via my blog roll) naming me as mother of the year. Thanks, sweetie, I'm really flattered. It brought me back of course to the days in Paulsboro. At that time, almost 10 years of being childless, I would, without fail, routinely make doa after solat "Oh, Allah, grant me a progeny..." but, this one particular day, before I could 'Amin' my dua, Aimen came in with a big smirk on his face, saying, 'Allah has already answered your dua!' 'What?', I asked. 'Look out the window', he said, trying to muffle a laugh. 'OH NOOO!!, I shrieked, 'send them back, tell them nobody's home!!' Such was the case everytime I make doa for a child, Allah would send one or two at the door, sometimes with a trash bag in hand, carrying all they had...

Anyway, when I looked out the window, I see these overgrown men with bee-hive hair and gold medallions around their necks. 'But these are grown men', I gasped, 'They can't stay with us,' I pleaded. But of course, Aimen was already up to the challenge and before I could plead some more, he gave me their background. What looked like grown men were actually two brothers, aged 16 and 18, whose meal came from snacks or whatever they can steal from grocery stores.

Playing mom to these kids was not easy. Imagine a 16 year-old, bigger than my husband, complaining he has a wart on his 'thingy' and wanted me to put something on it!! Then there were those between 6-17 who still wet their beds. So, I was preoccupied with making sure they pee before going to bed, then around 3am, make sure they go again...Some of them were so traumatised that they literally had to bang their heads against the wall before falling asleep.

Needless to say that their hygiene left much to be desired...So once a week when we hose the 'Little Muslim Bus' we would round all of them up and hose them down as well...

Now, of course I enjoy playing mom to Syajie. He's so adorable and sweet. I thank Allah for allowing me to care for these children as it certainly justified my existence on this earth...

Now, these below are whom I believe should bag the Mom Of The Year award...

1. My Mak Ngah - Anedra's mom who supported me during my darkest, bleakest days...I remember when I was registering as a freshman in UKM, all the new students came with an entourage whilst I had to fend for myself. I sat down at the stairs and balked my eyes off and when I called her, she told me to stop crying, be strong and do what I had to do. Or during the times when I had 50 cents left to my name, she would make me a meal fit for a king with all my favourite dishes...

2. My mom - who has been through so much. She's truly a steel magnolia.

3. My grandma - who raised such wonderful aunts and uncles. Can't imagine life without them...
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  1. wow, that must've been hard work - but i bet they were fun to have too. I know for sure that Syajie is a busload of fun and more!

  2. i think i know what mak ngah said - Listen!!!

  3. Aaww Liza,

    Hilarious yet touching entry - I laughed out loud all the way through... Thanks for the memories...


  4. in response to MakTeh's comment - YA I KNOW..I just got that from her a few seconds ago. Listen!!
